Marga Guru Quarter – Madhusyam Ghana

Madhusyam is a Marga Guru Quarter(MG Quarter) in Ghana. It means ”Supreme in Black” name given by Shrii Shrii Ananda Murti. Baba’s room is one of the Madhusyam’s Blissful place, where Ananda Margiis go to do their sadhana and experience the feeling of peace and tranquility.

Since 1982 Baba started staying in His own house called MG-Quarter. Today we have a total of 41 MG Quaters worldwide. Madhusyam is one among them.

Madhusyam is the centre of Ananda Marga in Accra-Ghana; constructed in 1994, it is the centre currently teaches meditation, yoga exercices, social and spiritual philosophy and vegetarian diet.